Digital Marketing Solutions For Small Businesses

marketing company ct

How to Choose a Marketing Company in Connecticut

Having a proper marketing strategy is essential to the longevity of your small business. However, not many businesses can afford to hire an experienced in-house marketing team to run their campaigns. So, what do you do?

Oftentimes, small businesses in Connecticut tend to do one of two things. First, they’ll look to hire an entry-level marketer. While you may have someone putting a marketing strategy into place, it probably won’t be as effective as you would like it to be since they don’t have the experience to really supercharge your marketing presence. 

The second option is to outsource your marketing needs to a digital marketing agency. Most of the time, doing so can be an extremely cost-effective solution for most small businesses. Additionally, digital marketing agencies tend to have tons of resources that they can use towards your marketing strategies that will give your business a competitive advantage.

However, there are so many digital marketing companies nowadays so how do you know which one to call? Let’s get into a couple of details as to what makes one digital marketing agency better than the next in line. 

marketing services in ct

Digital Marketing Company Services

One of the first things to consider is which digital marketing services you need. Do you need SEO services, email marketing, PPC ads or Google ads, web design, or social media marketing? This can really help determine which agency might be the best fit for your business.

Let’s quickly break down what each digital marketing service is!


SEO services ensure that your website is visible on search engines such as Google or Bing. The basics involve choosing keywords that are relevant to your industry that you would like your website to show on a search query to drive traffic to your website.  For example, if you’re a plumber in Danbury you would want your website listing to show up when someone in Danbury searches “plumber near me”. SEO makes that happen!


Google Ads drive high-quality leads to your business quickly. Basically, we target specific keywords relevant to what your business offers and bid on them to ensure that your ad shows before your competitors. This is a quick way to start delivering leads to your business instantly. Google Ads is one of the best ways to save time when you’re trying to grow a digital presence quickly.


A website acts as your online digital hub where users can learn about your products and services.  Our digital marketing agency, we focus on developing a website for you that converts users into customers. We do this by optimizing your landing pages to improve user experience and engagement. We measure performance by installing Google Analytics on your website to track all user behavior to ensure that our landing pages are performing as well as they should be.


It’s important for your business to be visible on as many social networks as possible. At ChitChat marketing, we focus on getting you on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter if necessary. We use tons of social media management tools to ensure that we are consistently scheduling posts to your social media accounts. It’s important to consistently post content when managing social media accounts so that your social channels never become stale.

So what are you looking to do? Do you just want to drive traffic to your website or are you just looking for someone to take over your social media accounts? Whatever the case may be, it’s important to find out if the agencies you are considering will do exactly what you need and want!

What to Expect from an Online Marketing Company

Now that we have broken down some of the essential online marketing services, let’s take a look at what you should expect from a digital marketing company. 

A good online marketing company should always keep you in the loop. They should discuss your objectives with you and learn about any marketing strategies you have implemented in the past. Your marketing history is extremely important to help determine what worked, didn’t work and what may deserve a second look!

Most marketing companies will assign you a dedicated account manager. They will be your point of contact for every aspect of your digital marketing strategy. You’ll want to make sure that they have availability to speak to you and be willing to be fully transparent with your marketing efforts even if you had negative results!

Plan to have a meeting with your account manager once a month to discuss results and improvements to your online presence. A monthly update gives your peace of mind in knowing that your business isn’t being forgotten. Big marketing firms have a tendency to pay less attention to each of their clients as they pull in new ones. By having your monthly updates you can feel as if your business is getting the attention it deserves.


online marketing company

How Much Does Outsourcing Marketing Cost?

The honest answer is that pricing can vary. Every marketing agency has their own pricing structure that is dependent on a ton of different factors. However, as a small business owner, it’s important to understand that outsourcing your marketing is an investment and not an expense. A good marketing strategy should result in positive ROI making the cost almost nothing to you!

You should plan to spend between 5% and 20% or your monthly or yearly revenue on marketing. You can tweak your marketing budget every month depending on performance and there are ways to minimize some areas of what you spend. Speak to your account manager to see what they can do to cut costs or increase costs where it may be beneficial. Again, transparency is key!

On average, at ChitChat Marketing we see anywhere between a 400% to 1,200% return on marketing for our clients month after month. So, the cost almost becomes irrelevant since it’s generating such a positive return!

Why Choose ChitChat Marketing as a Marketing Company?

ChitChat Marketing has been providing digital marketing services in the Greater Danbury area since 2015. Our founder, Thomas Guardado, prides our agency in providing top-notch services for clients across multiple industries. Our main goal is to maximize your ROI in an efficient manner. 

We call our clients once or twice a month to provide feedback and suggestions as to what we can do to improve their digital presence. Additionally, we are very hands-on from start to finish. Maximizing your ROI is our main priority so we constantly go above and beyond for our clients. Give us a call today!

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